The Effectiveness of Using Learning Device Information Systems in Preparing Learning Plans
The importance of the ability to develop lesson plans requires educators be able understand and master learning content as well various ways complete it. device information system (SIPP) one results technology is here help this task. purpose study was demonstrate effectiveness efficiency SIPP in developing early childhood education. research conducted using a quantitative approach, with descriptive statistical analysis presented form frequency distribution table. questionnaire distributed Likert scale, which contains items regarding goal achievement, quality, output, user response indicators use time, cost, effort, paper materials efficiency. showed that four were met an average score 385.8. Efficiency includes achieves 19.3. availability components templates are adjusted applicable provisions can used automatically allows users their tasks relatively faster time. conclusion very effective efficient for preparing so it facilitate save teacher's time completing task.
 Keywords: information; education, plan
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عنوان ژورنال: Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
سال: 2023
ISSN: ['2503-0566', '1693-1602']